Isaac Helgram and Minerva Helgram’s Wedding Day

During all the chatting and awarding, Bances sighs and tries not to
> look at his watch. Isaac and Minerva, veterans of academic conferences and their
> attendant delays and digressions, are more used to it.
> Finally, Bances manages — between coughs, gestures, and a few bribes
> to shut down the bar for the moment — to begin the ceremony. He keeps
> it short and standard. This crowd can be dangerous when restless, not
> to mention the storied history of surprise attacks during family
> gatherings. And neither Isaac nor Minerva show much tendency to
> value pomp or sentiment. And he deftly skips any invitation for those
> objecting to the ceremonyto speak up.
> Bances has Dragon Church attendants forcibly block the bar access to everyone while crossing arms and looking stern.
> Bleys chuckles audibly and conjures a nice chilled glass of stout.
> Florimel gives her brother a sour look.

Isaac’s eye twitches like he wants to wink at Bleys. His Uncle has the
right attitude.
> Bances uses an Old Chaosite Accented Tharii, common during the time when Oberon married Cymnea. He is very loud, droning and has a vocal sonic ability that prevents anyone from falling asleep unless they have a high psyche. It is not magic but in fact sonics. For anyone familiar with the House of Wolf in Aurelius is the same science as their VOICE (but not their Voice just a ban on sleep)
> FIRST, the banes [banns] must be asked thre severall Sondaies or holy daies, in the tyme of service, the people beyng present, after the accustomed maner.
> And yf the persons that would be maryed dwell in diverse Paryshes, the banes must be asked in both Parishes and the Curate of the one Paryshe shall not solempnize matrimonye betwyxt them, wythout a certifycate of the banes beyng thryse asked, from the Curate of the other Parysh. At the date appoincted for solempnizacyon of Matrimonye, the persones to be maryed shal come into the body of the Churche, wyth theyr frendes and neighbours. And there the Pryest shall thus saye.
> – There is a Bann record from Amber City from Theobald’s Chapel in Amber Castle for Isaac from the Church of Amber and a Bann record from the Parish of St. Gregory’s in the Academy of Helgramways for Minerva from the Church of the Dragon.
> DEARELY beloved frendes, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of his congregacion, to joyne together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is an honorable state, instytuted of God in Paradise, in the time of manes innocencie, signiflyng unto us the mistical union that is betwixt The Ancient Abyss Emperors and their Churche: which holy state Emperor Justin the Stern adourned and beautified with his presence and firste myracle that he wrought with the Dragon of Thelbane, and is commended of sainctly Theodorus the Clever to be honourable emong all men, and therfore is not to be enterprised, nor taken in hande unadvisedly, lightly or wantonly, to satisfye mennes carnall lustes and appetytes, lyke brute beastes that have no understandyng ; but reverently, discretely, advisedly, soberly, and in the feare of God, duely consideryng the causes for the which matrimony was ordeined. One was the procreation of children, to be brought up in the feare and nurtoure of the Lordes, and praise of the Kings of the Abyss Empire now Chaos. Secondly, it was ordeined for a remedy agaynste sinne and to avoide fornication, that suche persones as have not the gifte of continencie might mary, and kepe themselves undefiled membres of Holy Emperor Justin the Stern’s community of the Blessed. Thirdly, for the mutual societie, helpe, and comfort, that the one ought to e of the other, bothe in prosperity and adversitye, into the whiche holy state these two persones present, come nowe to be joyned. Therefore if any man can shewe any just cause, why thei may not lawfully be joyned together let hym now speake, or els hereafter for ever holde his peace.
> And also speakynge to the persons that shalbe maryed, he shall sale.
> I REQUIRE and charge you (as you wil aunswere at the dreadful day of judgement, when the secretes of all hartes shalbe disclosed) that if either of you doe knowe any impedyment, why ye may not be lawfully joyned together in Matrimony, that ye confesse it. For be ye well assured, that so many as be coupled together, otherwyse than Goddes worde doeth allowe, are not joyned together by the God/Emperor of the Abyss Empire, and the Holy Dragon of Chaos and… that Unicorn (Bances grousingly murmurs) neither is their Matrimonye lawfull.
> At whyche day of Maryage, if any man do allege and declare any impediment, why they may not be coupled together in matrymony by Gods law, or the lawes of thys realme, and wyll be bound, and sufficient sureties with him to the parties, or els put in a cautyon to the ful value of suche charges, as the persons to be maryed do susteine to prove hys allegation: then the solempnization must be deferred unto suche tyme as the truthe be tried. If no impedyment be alledged, then shall the curate saye unto the man,
> WILT thou ISAAC GAIUS OBERON GREGORY, Prince of Chaos, Prince of Amber, Prince of House Helgram, Lord Chancellor of Amber, have thys woman to thy wedded wyfe, to lyve together after The Holy Dragon and Unicorn’s ordynaunce in the holye estate of Matrimony? Wylt thou love her, comforte her, honour, and kepe her, in sickenes, and in healthe? And forsakyng al other, kepe the onely to her, so long as you both shall hve?
> The man holds a card in front of Isaac reading YOU shall aunswere,
> I will.

Isaac intones “I WILL AND I SHALL” with a gravitas matching Bances.
Minerva keeps her composure.
> Then shall the Priest saye to the woman,
> WILT thou MINERVA ATHENA CLARISSA JUSTINA Princess of Helgram have this man to thy wedded housband, to lyve together after The Holy Dragon and the Unicorn’s ordynaunce in the holy estate of matrimony? wilt thou obey hym and serve him, love, honour, and kepe him, in sycknes and in health? And forsakynge al other, kepe the onely to him so long as ye bothe shal live

Isaac shoots Minerva a quick look at the intonation of her name, and
Minerva suppresses a scowl back. As some will find out, pedantic
Isaac delights in the fact that Minerva’s first two names constitute a

> Minerva shall aunswere,
> I will.

And she does. In fact, somehow it sounds like there are four of her
talking at once, harmonizing.
> Who geveth this woman to be maried unto this man?
> ******Athena Helgram defies Bances and gives her daughter away
> Bances gives her a Woeful look.

Minerva and Isaac scowl back.
> She says, “King Bleys will give Prince Isaac away too.”

“Loaded coin flip, or cutting marked cards?” a voice asks in the
peanut gallery — or is Isaac committing ventriloquism?
> ¶ And the Minister receivyng the woman at her mothers handes, shall cause the man to take the woman by the right hand, and so either to geve their trouth to other, the man first saying.
> I ISAAC take thee ATHENA to my wedded wyfe, to have and to hold from thys day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for porer, in sickenes, and in healthe, to love and to cheryshe, tyll death us departe; according to The Holy Dragon and Unicorn’s’ holy ordinaunce, and therto I plight the my trouth.
> Then shall they louse their handes, and the woman takyng againe the man by the right hande, shall saie.
> I ATHENA take thee ISAAC to be my wedded husbande, to have and to holde, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickenes, ad in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us departe, accordynge to THe Holy Dragon and Unicorn’s holy ordinaunce: and therto I geve the my trouth.

They do that and they behave this round.
> Then shall they again louse theyr handes, and the man shal geve unto the woman a ring, laying the same upon the booke, with the accustomed dutie to the Priest and Clerke. And the Priest taking the ryng, shal delyver it unto the man, to put it upon the fourth finger of the womans left hand. And the man taught by the Priest, shal say.
> WITH this ring I the wed: with my body I the worship: and with all my worldly goodes, I the endow. In the name of the Holy Dragon, the Emperor Justin the Stern’s Ghost, the Ghost of Theodosius the Clever, The Ghost of Valentinian The Conquerer, The Ghost of Cornelius the Elder, The Ghost of Cornelius the Elder and the High King of the AByss Empire and its lands in Creation, King Emperor Swayville the Eternal and the Great. . Amen.
> Theobalt quietly adds a small similar prayer from the Church of the Unicorn’s point of view.
> Then the man leavyng the ryng upon the fourth finger of the womans left hande, the Minister shall saye.
> O ETERNALL DRAGON OF CHAOS and the High Kings before us, creatoure and preserver of all mankynd, giver of all spirytuall grace, the aucthour of everlastyng life: send thy blessyng upon these thy servauntes, thys man and this woman, whom we blesse in thy name, that as Isaac and Athena lyved faithfully together: So these persons may surely performe and kepe the vow and covenaunt betwixte them made, wherof this ring geven, and received, is a token and pledge, and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according unto thy lawes, thorough The Holy Dragon and the Unicorn. Amen.
> ¶ Then thai the Priest joyne their right handes together and say.
> Those whome I Bances and my younger brother Theobald hath joyned together, let no man put a sonder.
> Then shall the Minister speak unto the people.
> FOR asmuche as ISAAC AND ATHENA have consented together in holy wedlocke, and have witnessed the same before Their Ancestors The Holy Dragon and Unicorn, and thys company, and therto have given and pledged, their trouth eyther to other, and have declared the same by gevyyng and receivyng of a ryng, and by joynyng of handes I pronounce that thei be man and wife together. In the name of the Holy Dragon, the Emperor Justin the Stern’s Ghost, the Ghost of Theodosius the Clever, The Ghost of Valentinian The Conquerer, The Ghost of Cornelius the Elder, The Ghost of Cornelius the Elder and the High King of the AByss Empire and its lands in Creation, King Emperor Swayville the Eternal and the Great. . Amen.
> And the Minister shal adde this blessyng.
> Holy Dragon, the Emperor Justin the Stern’s Ghost, the Ghost of Theodosius the Clever, The Ghost of Valentinian The Conquerer, The Ghost of Cornelius the Elder, The Ghost of Cornelius the Elder and the High King of the AByss Empire and its lands in Creation, King Emperor Swayville the Eternal and the Great blesse, preserve, and kepe you, the Lordes mercifully wyth their favour loke upon you, and so fil you with al spiritual benediction, and grace, that you may so lyve together in thys life, that in the world to come, you may have life everlastyng. Amen.
> ¶ Then the Ministers or Clerckes goyng to the Lordes table, shall saie, or syng this Psalme folowyng Beati omnes.
> BLESSED are all they that feare the Lorde, and walke in his waies.
> For thou shalt eate the labour of thy handes, O wel is the, and happy shalt thou be.
> Thy wife shalbe as the fruitfull vine upon the walles of thy house.
> Thy children like the olive braunches rounde about thy table.
> Lo thus shall the man be blessed: that feareth the lorde.
> The Lordes from out of Cornelia shal blesse the: that thou shalt see Justinopolis in prosperitie, al thy life long:
> Yea, that thou shalt see thy childrens children, and peace upon the Abyss Empire.
> Glory be to the Holy Dragon, the Emperor Justin the Stern’s Ghost, the Ghost of Theodosius the Clever, The Ghost of Valentinian The Conquerer, The Ghost of Cornelius the Elder, The Ghost of Cornelius the Elder and the High King of the AByss Empire and its lands in Creation, King Emperor Swayville the Eternal and the Great. . Amen.
> As it was. &c.
> Psal. cxxviii.
> Or elles this Psaime folowyng Deus misereatur.
> Holy Dragon and the Unicorn be mercifull unto us and blesse us: and shewe us the lyght of his countenaunce, and be merciful unto us.
> That thy waie maie be knowen upon the earth: thy savyng healthe among al nacions.
> Let the people prayse the (O God) yea, let all the people praise the.
> O let the nacions rejoyce and be glad, for thou shalt judge the folke ryghteously, and governe the nacions upon the earth.
> Let the people praise the (O God) lette all the people praise the.
> Then shall the earthe bryng furthe her encrease, and the Holy Dragon and Unicorn, even our Gods, shal geve us their blessyng.
> Dragon, the Emperor Justin the Stern’s Ghost, the Ghost of Theodosius the Clever, The Ghost of Valentinian The Conquerer, The Ghost of Cornelius the Elder, The Ghost of Cornelius the Elder and the High King of the AByss Empire and its lands in Creation, King Emperor Swayville the Eternal and the Great shall blesse us, and al the endes of the worlde shall feare him.
> Glory be to the Father. &c.
> As it was in the be. &c.
> The Psaime ended, and the man and the woman knelyng afore the Lordes table: The Priest standyng at the Table, and turnyng hys face towarde them, shal saie,
> Lordes have mercie upon us.
> Aunswere. Cornelius the Merciful have mercie upon us.
> Minister. Lordes have mercie upon us.
> And leade us not into temptation.
> Aunswere. But deliver us from evil. Amen.
> Minister. O Lordes, save thy servaunt, and thy handmaide.
> Aunswere. Whyche put their trust in the.
> Minister. O Lordes sende them helpe from thy holy place.
> Aunswere. And evermore defende them.
> Minister. Be unto them a towre of strength.
> Aunswere. From the face of their enemie.
> Minister. O Lordes heare our praier.
> Aunswere. And let our crie come unto the.
> ¶ The Minister.
> O Dragon of Justin the Stern, Dragon of Theodosius the Clever, Dragon of Valentinian the Conquerer, blesse these thy servauntes, and sowe the sede of eternal life in their mindes, that whatsoever in thy holy worde they shal profitably learne, they may in dede fulfil the same. Loke, O Lorde mercifully upon theim from heaven, and blesse them. And as thou diddest send thy blessing upon ISAAC and the ATHENA to their greate comforte: so vouchesaufe to sende thy blessing upon these thy servauntes, that they obeiyng thy will, and alway beyng in saufetie under thy protection, may abide in thy love unto their lives ende, throughe Holy Dragon and Unicorn our Lordes. Amen.
> ¶ Then shall the Priest saye,
> ALMIGHTIE Dragon and Unicorn , which, at the beginnyng did create our firste royal parentes at Creation of the Solstice Logrus, and did sanctifie and joyne them together in mariage, powre upon you the richesse of his grace, sanctifie, and blesse you, that ye may please hym both in body and soule, and live together in holy love, unto your lives ende. Amen.
> Then shal begyn the Communion, and after the Gospel shalbe saied a Sermon, wherin ordinarily (so oft as there is any mariage) thoffice of a man and wife shalbe declared, accordyng to holy Scripture, or if there be no sermon, the Minister shal reade this that foloweth.
> AL ye which be maried, on whiche entend to take the holy estate of Matrimonie upon you: heare what holy scripture doth say, as touching the dutie of housbandes towarde their wives, and wives toward their housbandes.
> Valentian the Conquerer, Emperor, doeth geve this commaundement to all maried men.
> Ye housbandes love your wives, even as your fathers loved the Churche, and hath geven hymselfe for it, to sanctifie it, purgyng it in the fountaine of water, throughe the worde, that he might make it unto hym selfe a glorious congregacion, not havyng spot or wrincle, or any suche thyng, but that it shoulde be holy and blameles. So men are bounde to love their owne wyves, as their owne bodies. He that loveth his owne wife loveth hym selfe. For never did any man hate his owne fleshe, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Londes doeth the congregacion, for we are membres of his body: of his flesh and of hys bones.
> For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shalbe joined unto his wife, and thei two shalbe one flesh. This mistery is great, but I speake of the Holy Dragon and Unicorn and of the congregacion. Neverthelesse, let every one of you so love his owne wyfe, even as hym selfe.
> Psal. lxvii.
> Likewise the same sainct Paule (wrytyng to the Collossians) speaketh thus to all men that be maried. Ye men, love your wyves, and be not bitter unto them.
> Collos iii.
> Heare also what sainctely Emperor Theodosius the Clever whiche was him selfe a maried man (saith unto al men) that are maried. Ye housbandes, dwel with your wyves according to knowledge. Gevynge honour unto the wyfe as unto the weaker vessell, and as heires together of the grace of lyfe, so that your praiers be not hyndred.
> Hetherto ye have hearde the dutie of the housbande toward the wyfe.
> Now likewise ye wyves heare and learne your dutie towarde your housbandes, even as it is plainely sette furth in holy scripture.
> i. Pet. iii.
> Justin the Stern teacheth you thus: Ye women, submit youre selfes unto youre owne housbandes as unto the Lorde: for the housbande is the wyves headde, even as The Emperor is the headde of the Churche. And he is also the savioure of the whole bodye. Therefore as the Churche or congregacion, is subjecte unto the Holy Dragon. So likewyse lette the wyves also be in subjection unto their owne housbandes in al thinges. And againe he sayeth : Let the wife reverence her housbande. And (in his Epistle to the Collossians) Valentian the Conqueror geveth you thys shorte lesson, Ye wyves submitte youre selves unto youre own housbandes, as it is convenient in the words of the Holy Dragon and Unicorn
> The Holy Dragon and the Emperors also doeth instructe you verye godly, thus saiynge, Let wyves be subject to their owne housbandes, so that if anye obey not the woorde, they may be wonne withoute the woorde, by the conversacion [=behavior] of the wyves, whyle they beholde your chaste conversacion coupled with feare, whose apparell let it not be outward, with broided [braided] haire and trymmyng about with golde, eyther in puttinge on of gorgeous apparell, but let the hidde manne whiche is in the harte, be without all corruption, so that the spirite be milde and quiete, whiche is a precious thynge in the sighte of God. For after thys maner (in the olde tyme) did the holy women whiche trusted in God apparell them selves, beynge subject to their owne housbandes, as The wife of Justin obeyed Emperor Justin callyng hym Lorde; whose daughters ye are made, doynge well, and beyinge not dismayde with any feare.
> The newe maried persones (the same day of their mariage) must receyve the holy Communion.
> After it’s all over, Isaac and Minerva shake hands.
> “Well done!” she says to Isaac.
> “Thanks for assisting me in this,” he says pleasantly.
> “Is it done? I think they appear to be waiting for something?” Minvera
> says, looking mildly confused.
> “Hmn…let me check the agenda….m’Lord Bances, do you have a copy?”
> And then, from somewhere, a voice sounding much like Lucius piteously
> moans “Kiss her, you pedantic jackass! I didn’t drag myself out of
> the Abyss by my lips and little toes to be tortured like this!” A
> body clad in a toga then falls from the ceiling. As everyone gapes,
> the sawdust spills out of a dummy that reads “made you look!” scrawled
> across the toga.
> As everyone turns back to the altar, Isaac and Minerva are enjoying a liplock.

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