[work in progress so excuse as I get it done up right]
Prince Fabian, Prince Trevian (?sp), and Princess Blaze all direct Oberonic relatives and were granted an island in the Unicorn Island and made Grand Dukes and Grand Duchess, respectively. Prince Patrick, son of Bleys and Jasra was also granted an island and made a Grand Duke.

Fabian, Trevian, and Patrick were on a grand adventure one day, happened across a few things, did a few things more, and Patrick located a complete feather of Fiona’s late parrot Polly (killed by Jorrah) in a book in a vast library, and the magics and other were done to restore Polly to the living.
The trio stood before Bleys, Bleys decided that Princes Fabian, Trevian, and Princess Blaze as well were to be made Grand Dukes and Duchess. Patrick had been instrumental in Fiona getting her beloved parrot back, she had a few words with Bleys and Bleys also made Patrick a Grand Duke and granted him an island in the Unicorn Islands. Patrick said it was shaped sorta like Texas so he christened it Texas Island.

Texas Island is roughly the same size and shape as (the present US state of ) Texas; and had a bit of old garrisoning on it from the Oberonic wars. Patrick is spending his own money to build road to transport stuff around, mostly along the coastal, a few into the central, and adding fortifications as an attack straight in from the deep ocean to Port Royal, they’re in front. On the side facing Port Royal there is a bit of a resorty area being constructed, a few hundred staff and around 50-60 guests. There are some barge and small vessel dockage on this side. The other side has a major harbor being made with breakwater for deep ocean going vessels and ships of the line, a number of which Patrick is having built as a private fleet. He is sworn vassal to his father and though their port of registry is Texas Island and they fly Patrick’s emblem, in time of war they sail for Amber and will add the unicorn flag.
A large chunk of the land is being left undeveloped as ‘preserve’ but serious fortifications and support for same are being built in strategic areas.
Below Port Royal along the coast another harbor is being built. It is for bring supplies and people to and from the island, and has a shipyard that will be able to take a ship of the line if needed.
From NEAR Amber City down to this “South Port” a road is being built, staying 30 miles away from Port Royal. Bleys doesn’t want it accessable by road so, large buffer zone. This is to haul supplies, people, and in time of war, men and machines of war. At regular intervals some fortifications are being put in in case the nation needs them. Certain spans are also being built a certain way so that if needed our side can break the road for defensive reasons. It is being built in several sections simultaneously and providing a lot of jobs. Care was taken for the laying out of the roadway to not allow enemies to have an easy way of it (see fortifications).