Located somewhere on the dim side of the Silver Circle of Parys is a small spot of realness. A real copy of a real place, Reims is a smallbit that looked very much like the Ancient Earth Paris of Spring of 1939.
From there everything changed so much.
Prince Dave Adams Corey Sawall, and Lucius Emperor of Ultima Terra showed up one fine rainy day just before the sun rose. And what a day it would become.

After the Eiffel Tower fell in the Great Coup and Rain of Rocks, it was rebuilt of steel instead of wrought iron and also built taller. The lower three sections are painted blue, white, red, to match the flag of Reims. The top section is painted a neutral color chosen to look good silhouetted against the sky.
It is taller because of one more deck and section added. It is to be turned into a promenade for observation and a number of small shops and eateries all showcasing Reims goods. The middle has a fine restaurant and cinema, small stage for performances. The third deck is mostly an observation platform, with sculpture displayed and small kiosk shelters that also have information about the things that may be seen looking out that way. Then of course is the upper observing platform in the middle of the top section.
The very top has restricted access and has the apartment unit the original had, and it s rumored that Le Roi uses it quite often when visiting the Capitol.
Underneath in the middle is a set of skylights for a series of lower levels. The first sells tickets and is where one gets on the elevators to go up to the other levels. The next one below is a museum dedicated to the history of the tower from it’s inception to it’s present configuration, and a gift shop. Below that is another cinema, and some large meeting rooms. Then comes four levels of parking. All of this helps keep congestion down for the area along the promenade park that surrounds the Tower.
In the park are many monuments to all the warriors and conflicts that Reims has been through for the last thousand years. A walk through time. Also are many pavilions, and places to sit and enjoy the park. Vendors sell food and various other merchandise and otherwise it is a pleasant place for the citizens to gather and tourists to visit.
(from 324 to now about 380m high, the Eiffel is taller and grander than before)
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