Elder son of Wolf Ulrich and Katharine Heisel.
Trump Description

Family and Quick Background
Soren is the elder of Wolf’s twin sons by Katharine Heisel. He was born in Germania, but came to Tenterden when he was a little over five years old, and after that was brought up by his father. Wolf made certain that Soren and his twin, Blaine, had some contact with each other, having seen what separation from his father’s twin, Prince John, did to Ian and his relationship with Bleys.
Soren quickly proved to be a very bright child, with a definite mind of his own and his family’s talent for ritual magic. He studied languages and ancient history at university, before going into a career as an archaeologist, gaining his Doctorate before he was thirty. He has recently been accept as a pupil by Princess Fiona, and has walked the Amber Pattern.