Ron is the son of Matthew and the late Daphne. He grew up in shadow not knowing who he really was.

He is one of the four “tigers”, along with Fraser, Jacob (Jax) and Will. All four are brothers, sons of Matthew.
He stands about 6′ and in shape, maybe 190#. His hair has just a slight touch of red in the blonde. The picture is when he first showed, he is more neatly trimmed these days but the hair is longer than Matthew keeps his. The two standing together (Matthew and Ron) you can tell they are father and son.
He is seen more than a little in Antilla Palace. If he is not there he is in Sao Tome, some other shadow, or working hard as a politician should in various ridings, public events, and fundraisers wherever the Progressive Party of Antilla needs him to be. He seems to be content to follow the political path and trod in his father Matthew’s footsteps. They disagree on a few small points, but Ron works hard to make sure that things are generally going the way Matthew prefers. After all, Antilla is Matthew’s world.

Ron went to the Antillan military academy, (The Bastion) then decided that the armchair training was fine, but went to shadow and trained as a Navy SEAL and earned a commission (first Lieutenant) and led men in combat.
Matthew was almost beside himself when he found this out. (Ron actually actively worked out and was athletically active…) Matthew tried to arrange for Ron to work for Geran for awhile in his military, and discovered that that wasn’t what Ron wanted…Ron just wanted to know what the soldier really went through, to make himself a better officer, and perhaps to prove to himself that he could do this. (Matthew is known for his aversion to breaking a sweat).
Ron has a placement (commissioned as a Captain) in Antilla’s military in case it is ever needed, to assist if it is ever needed to protect the Kingdom (both BNA and the World of Antilla). He did fight in the Parys Civil War, leading troops and achieving his objective, taking a province, for his father. Matthew was honoring treaties, and Ron went to battle on behalf of the Ally of Antilla. That has been the only time he has been seen wearing a uniform, other than when he was at the Bastion. Usually though he chooses civilian garb for all formal events. (suit or tux, sash, and white gloves if needed)
Ron’s trident. He came back with a uniform, a duffle full of memories and this pin, from wherever he went in nearby shadow to do his ‘in field’ study. He says it was three plus years of training and a few years of active duty. He totally surprised Matthew by dropping to the floor and pumping off some pushups, no partying fratboy anymore. He claims to have gone into battle and led men on missions. No more armchair general. He doesn’t seem to want his father to mend his ways however, whatever Matthew wants to do rides fine with him.
Ron took a grant in Antilla of a province under the Portugese King, a shadow dweller; of Sao Tome and Principe. He built a palace on the southern end of Sao Tome and revamped the local infrastructure and economy to the betterment of the local population. He further went up the island chain with a few others and cleaned up the evils there at Bioko (Equatorial Guinea). He added it to his holding. He maintains public residences on Bioko in the capital Malabo, on Principe at Santo Antonio, and on Sao Tome at Sao Tome (Saint Thomas)-the overall capitol of the holding. It is in the North Northeast end of the island of Sao Tome, population, about 55,000. Between all three major islands and the scattering of small ones, there are about 200,000 population. Ron does visit the Portugese Royal Court once a year at Lisbon, as the holding is technically a colony island chain of Portugal.

North Side of the palace, south side faces a lovely arc of sunkissed beach. That looks towards the tiny third island in the Sao Tome-Principe group, Ilheu das Rolas. It sits fairly remotely on the south end of the island with some large preserves around it. Sao Tome was banana plantations, they have since gone to raising their own food, people settled onto their own land. Most of the banana plantations are now replanted to native coverage and part of preserves to keep the local wildlife protected. Most of the population is in the north-east end, and a few places along the coast. A ring road goes all the way around the island linking everything.
This is Ron’s private residence on Antilla. It has a number of public rooms on the main floor mostly, and a number of very secure apartments in the upper levels. The beach is in a lovely bay and is open to public and tourists at certain times of the year.
The Portugese Escudos are still in use, as are Antillan dollars and BNA dollars. Amber Crowns and Chaos Serpents are also accepted at a fair exchange, most anywhere in this holding.

A golden pre King, Pre Matthew Escudos that is solid gold, about the size of a penny. Modern Escudos have Matthew on the front and the current Portugese Ruler on the back. They are the currency most in use in Sao Tome-Principe-Bioko-Ilheu das Rolas, and a few other small resort bearing islands in the groupage. Paper money is shunned over coinage, though there are a few major banks in the group that will exchange paper for coinage. Most places will accept Escudos, Antillan Dollars, and BNA Dollars directly. They will also accept hacksilver, gold in chain and other forms, and gold and silver dust in major places. The places will test it then weigh it. They will also exchange back at the current exchange rate if the person requests. Amber and Chaos currency will be exchanged after testing.
Ilheu das Rolas, the equator runs through that island and is mostly a tourist destination. It is said there is a slurpee concession there at the big patio with the lovely mosaic and the pylon designating the Equator. There is a full time person on staff there just to clean up slurpee cups and make sure the place remains unlittered. A few are employed to rake the sand above tide line to keep the trampled look down, on both Prince Ron’s beach and on Ilheu das Rolas.

Furthermore Ron entered politics, and started the Progressive Party of Antilla. The main platform is waste cutting and redundancy purging in the government, improved efficiency and serving the citizens… more free transportation, and services. The pork barrel and trough was busted. Overall they have improved quality of life, standard of living, and citizen satisfaction. Rotating out of office on a schedule so those that are career politicians occasionally get a sabbatical and have to live with what they legislated is being better received than one would think considering this IS Antilla. Ron is very Pro-King, Matthew is the King of Antilla and that will not be forgotten. The first elections, there was a surprising number of victories, in other areas, coalitions had to be formed. Overall the project is working, and Matthew is keeping a close eye on it. Next election may be interesting, Ron has suggested that he may run in Matthew’s pet country, BNA, against the Prime Minister there, Wm. Clinton.

It is also said Ron has found his own world a few off from Antilla to run his own political experiments to fine tune what will work in Antilla. Matthew is doing this with Antilla, poetic that Ron is following his father’s footsteps in this. Nobody knows exactly where the shadow is or what the name is, but it must be near enough to be a good test bed. A few minor things have changed about the Progressive Party of Antilla, but they are still dedicated to cutting waste, transparency of government, the pork barrel and the trough are gone, public service has increased. (one plank is free public transportation to cut emissions and improve quality of living in the various countries in Antilla).
Ron has spent some great amount of time there recently it seems, as he is probably fine tuning against Wm. Clinton for the Prime Ministership. Or so it has been strongly suggested. Ron has not officially announced yet whether or not he is going to challenge, but other sources point to a few things at the end of the last election, and it will be sooner or later that Ron will run for major office.
What Matthew thinks of this, nobody has asked him, yet. BNA (British North America) doesn’t seem at all concerned about the ‘yappy lap puppy’ …yet. Who knows what will happen this pass. The other that seems unconcerned is Wm. Clinton. Nobody’s asked him, yet, either.

Rumor is that Ron has spent some serious time and effort off in that shadow, actually running for and holding the office, so. One perk of being Family, being able to step off and learn. Practice makes perfect.
Ron doesn’t tend to patronize hottubs regularly, and he doesn’t seem to drink slurpees, either, so this is about the only indication that he is indeed one of Matthew’s sons, the interest in politics.
He does show up in Antilla Palace regularly though, doing what needs to be done for office, Crown, and Country. At times he’s also been courier to take things to Matthew that did need his attention.
Elections will happen again in a few years, meantime the Progressive Party of Antilla is getting scrutiny and Ron is getting the lion’s share of that. He seems to doing well in the fishbowl.
He may have been raised Ivy League Old Crust East Coast Family, but seems to have settled into ‘man of the people’ and ‘the up and coming face’ in politics.
It will be seen in the next few years if he can weather Antilla and make his father proud or get posted to a distant appointment because Matthew needs it to be that way.

Ron is single and seemingly staying that way at present. He is seen escorting eligible ladies of the various non-Family royal families of Antilla to various social functions and events but. Nothing seems to be happening on that front. He will probably have to face some serious vetting and approval (not unlike what Prince Isaac, PhD, had to) if he does decide to settle down. It would also seem to be against the precedent observed so far by his father, but. He is young and he is family. At least unlike his possible future political rival, his record is ‘clean’ in that regards. So far.
As for being a ‘tiger’ it is not known if he’s ever shifted to the animagus form or not. He doesn’t seem to be inclined to shift to it, unlike some bears.